18.7 – References and suggested readings (Ch17 & 18)

References and suggested readings

Bewick V, Cheek L, Ball J (2005) Statistics review 14: Logistic regression. Critical Care 9:112-118.

Burraco, P., Valdés, A. E., & Orizaola, G. (2020). Metabolic costs of altered growth trajectories across life transitions in amphibians. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(3), 855–866.
Corn, C. A., & Hiesey, W. M. (1973). Altitudinal ecotypes in Hawaiian Metrosideros. American Journal of Botany 60(10): 991-1002.
Dobson, A. J., & Barnett, A. G. (2018). An introduction to generalized linear models. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Faraway, J. J. Practical Regression and ANOVA with R 2002.

Gosner, Kenneth L. (1960). A simplified table for staging anuran embryos and larvae with notes on identification. Herpetologica 16 (3): 183–190. link to Wikipedia page

Head, M. L., Holman, L., Lanfear, R., Kahn, A. T., & Jennions, M. D. (2015). The extent and consequences of p-hacking in science. PLoS Biol13(3), e1002106.

LaBarbera M. (1989) Analyzing body size as a factor in ecology and evolution. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29:97-117.

McArdle BH (2003) Lines, models, and errors: Regression in the field. Limnology and Oceanography 48:1363-1366.

McCullagh, P. 2002. What is a statistical model? The Annals of Statistics 30(5): 1225-1310.

Meeker WQ, Escobar LA (1995) Teaching about approximate confidence regions based on maximum likelihood estimation. American Statistician 49:48-53.

O’Brien, R. M. (2007) A caution regarding rules of thumb for variance inflation factors. Quality & Quantity 41:673-690

Pawitan Y (2000) A Reminder of the Fallibility of the Wald Statistic: Likelihood Explanation. American Statistician 54:54-56.

Slinker Bryan K. & Glantz Stanton A Multiple Linear Regression: Accounting for Multiple Simultaneous Determinants of a Continuous Dependent Variable. Circulation, 2008, 117, 1732-1737

Stefan, A. M., & Schönbrodt, F. D. (2023). Big little lies: A compendium and simulation of p-hacking strategies. Royal Society Open Science, 10(2), 220346.

Warton DI, Wright IJ, Falster DS, Westoby M. (2006) Bivariate line-fitting methods for allometry. Biological Reviews 81: 259-291

Zuur, A. F., Ieno, E. N., Walker, N. J., Saveliev, A. A., & Smith, G. M. (2009). Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. Springer.

Chapter 17 contents

Chapter 18 contents