17.2 – Relationship between the slope and the correlation


Product moment correlation is used to indicate the strength of the linear association between two ratio-scale variables; the slope tells you the rate of change between the two variables. When the correlation is negative, the slope will be negative; when correlation is positive, so too will the slope.

As you might suspect, there is a mathematical relationship between the product moment correlation, r, and the regression slope, b1. We haven’t spent much time explaining the equations presented in this text, but correlation and linear regression are such important tools it’s worth a closer look.

Recall the equation of the correlation is

    \begin{align*} r_{XY}=\frac{\left (X-\bar{X} \right )\left (Y-\bar{Y} \right )}{\left (n-1 \right )s_{X} s_{Y}} \end{align*}

where the numerator is termed the covariance between X and Y and the denominator contains the standard deviations of X and Y variables. We can say the at the covariance is standardized by the variability in X and Y. In contrast, the regression slope is equal to the covariance divided by the variance in X.

    \begin{align*} b_{1}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left (X-\bar{X} \right )\left (Y-\bar{Y} \right )}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left (n-1 \right )s_{X} s_{Y}} \end{align*}

Thus, with a little algebra, we can see that the slope and correlation are equal to each other as

    \begin{align*} b_{1}=r\cdot \frac{s_{X}}{s_{Y}} \end{align*}

This should drive home the following statistical reasoning point. You can always calculate a slope from a correlation, but recall that correlation analysis is intended as a test of the hypothesis of a linear association between variables for which cause and effect model — though perhaps reasonable — should be implied. Just because it is mathematically possible does not mean the analysis is correct for the problem.


  1. If the correlation is 0.6, s_{\bar{X}}=2.3, and s_{\bar{Y}}=1.67, what is the slope?

Chapter 17 contents