17.4 – OLS, RMA, and smoothing functions
OLS or ordinary least squares is the most commonly used estimation procedure for fitting a line to the data. For both simple and multiple regression, OLS works by minimizing the sum of the squared residuals. OLS is appropriate when the linear regression assumptions LINE apply. In addition, further restrictions apply to OLS including that the predictor variables are fixed and without error. OLS is appropriate when the goal of the analysis is to retrieve a predictive model. OLS describes an asymmetric association between the predictor and the response variable: the slope bX for Y ~ bXX will generally not be the same as the slope bY for X ~ bYY.
OLS is appropriate for assessing functional relationships (i.e., inference about the coefficients) as long as the assumptions hold. In some literature, OLS is referred to as a Model I regression.
Generalized Least Squares
Generalized linear regression is an estimation procedure related to OLS but can be used either when variances are unequal or multicollinearity is present among the error terms.
Weighted Least Squares
A conceptually straightforward extension of OLS can be made to account for situation where the variances in the error terms are not equal. If the variance of Yi varies for each Xi, then a weighting function based on the reciprocal of the estimated variance may be used.
then, instead of minimizing the squared residuals as in OLS, the regression equation estimates in weighted least squares minimizes the squared residuals summed over the weights.
Weighted least squares is a form of generalized least squares. In order to estimate wi, however, multiple values of Y for each observed X must be available.
Reduced Major Axis
There are many alternative methods available when OLS may not be justified. These approaches, collectively, may be called Model II regression methods. These methods are invariably invoked in situations in which both Y and X variables have random error associated with them. In other words, the OLS assumption that the predictor variables are measured without error is violated. Among the more common methods is one called Reduced Major Axis or RMA.
Smoothing functions
data set: atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) readings Mauna Loa. Source: https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/data.html
Fit curves without applying a known formula. This technique is called smoothing and, while there are several versions, the technique involves taking information from groups of observations — weighted averaged — and using these groups to estimate how the response variable changes with values of the independent variable. Smoothing is used to help reveal patterns, to emphasize trends by reducing noise — clearly, caution needs to be employed as smoothing necessarily hides outlier data, which can themselves be important. Smoothing techniques by name include kernel, loess, and spline. Default in the scatter plot command is loess.
CO2 in parts per million (ppm) plotted by year from 1958 to 2014 the first CO2 readings were recorded in April 1958 (Fig. 1).
Note: When I worked on this set, the last data available for this plot was April 2014. CO2 421.86 ppm December 2023, 399.08 ppm December 2014 — a 5.7% increase. https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/
A few words of explanation for Figure 1. The green line shows the OLS line, the red line shows the loess smoothing with a smoothing parameter of 0.5 (in Rcmdr
the slider value reads “5”).
Figure 1. CO2 in parts per million (ppm) plotted by year from 1958 to 2014
R command was started with option settings available in Rcmdr context menu for scatterplot, then additional commands were added
scatterplot(CO2~Year, reg.line=lm, grid=FALSE, smooth=TRUE, spread=FALSE, boxplots=FALSE, span=0.05, lwd=2, xlab="Months since 1958", ylab="CO2 ppm", main="CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory, April 1958 - April 2014", cex=1, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, pch=c(16), data=StkCO2MLO)
The next plot is for ppm CO2 by month for the year 2013. The plot shows the annual cycle of atmospheric CO2 in the northern hemisphere.
Figure 2. Plot of ppm CO2 by month for the year 2013.
Again, the smoothing parameter was set to 0.5 and the loess function is plotted in red (Fig. 2).
Loess is an acronym short for local regression. Loess is a weighted least squares approach which is used to fit linear or quadratic functions of the predictors at the centers of neighborhoods. The radius of each neighborhood is chosen so that the neighborhood contains a specified percentage of the data points. This percentage of data points is referred to as the smoothing parameter and this parameter may differ for different neighborhoods of points. The idea of loess, in fact, any smoothing algorithm, is to reveal pattern within a noisy sequence of observations. The smoothing parameter can be set to different values, between 0 and 1 is typical.
Note: Noisy data in this context refers to data comes with random error independent of the true signal, i.e., noisy data has low signal-to-noise ratio. The concept is most familiar in communication.
To get a sense of what the parameter does, Figure 3 takes the same data as in Figure 2, but with different values of the smoothing parameter (Fig. 3).
parameter | color |
0.5 | black |
0.75 | red |
1.0 | dark green |
2.0 | blue |
10.0 | light blue |
Figure 3. Plot with different smoothing values (0.5 to 10.0).
The R code used to generate Figure 3 plot was
spanList = c(0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 10) reg1 = lm(ppm~Month) png(filename = "RplotCO2mo.png", width = 400, height = 400, units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white") plot(Month,ppm, cex=1.2, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2, pch=c(16), xlab="Months", ylab="CO2 ppm", main="CO2 levels 2013") abline(reg1,lwd=2,col="green") for (i in 1:length(spanList)) { ppm.loess <- loess(ppm~Month, span=spanList[i], Dataset) ppm.predict <- predict(ppm.loess, Month) lines(Month,ppm.predict,lwd=2,col=i) }
Note: This is our first introduction to use of a “for” loop.
The CO2 data constitutes a time series. Instead of loess, a simple moving average would be a more natural way to reveal trends. In principle, take a set of nearby points (odd number of points best, keeps the calculation symmetric) and calculate the average. Next, shift the points by a specified time interval (e.g., 7 days), and recalculate the average for the new set of points. See Chapter 20.5 for Time series analysis.
- This is a biology class, so I gotta ask: What environmental process explains the shape of the relationship between ppm CO2 and months of the year as shown in Figure 2? Hint: NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory responsible for the CO2 data is located at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (lat: 19.52291, lon: -155.61586).
- As I write this question (January 2022), we are 22 months since W.H.O. declared Covid-19 a pandemic (CDC timeline). Omicron variant is now dominant; Daily case counts State of Hawaii from 1 November 2021 to 15 January 2022 reported in data set table.
- Make plot like Figure 2 (days instead of months)
- Apply different loess smoothing parameters and re-plot the data. Observe and describe the change to the trend between case reports and days.
Data set
Covid-19 cases reported State of Hawaii from 1 November 2021 to 15 January 2022 (data extracted from Wikipedia)
Date | Cases reported |
11/01/21 | 69 |
11/02/21 | 38 |
11/03/21 | 176 |
11/04/21 | 112 |
11/05/21 | 124 |
11/06/21 | 97 |
11/07/21 | 134 |
11/08/21 | 94 |
11/09/21 | 79 |
11/10/21 | 142 |
11/11/21 | 130 |
11/12/21 | 138 |
11/13/21 | 81 |
11/14/21 | 0 |
11/15/21 | 146 |
11/16/21 | 93 |
11/17/21 | 142 |
11/18/21 | 226 |
11/19/21 | 206 |
11/20/21 | 218 |
11/21/21 | 107 |
11/22/21 | 92 |
11/23/21 | 52 |
11/24/21 | 115 |
11/25/21 | 77 |
11/26/21 | 27 |
11/27/21 | 135 |
11/28/21 | 169 |
11/29/21 | 71 |
11/30/21 | 79 |
12/01/21 | 108 |
12/02/21 | 126 |
12/03/21 | 125 |
12/04/21 | 124 |
12/05/21 | 148 |
12/06/21 | 90 |
12/07/21 | 55 |
12/08/21 | 72 |
12/09/21 | 143 |
12/10/21 | 170 |
12/11/21 | 189 |
12/12/21 | 215 |
12/13/21 | 150 |
12/14/21 | 214 |
12/15/21 | 282 |
12/16/21 | 395 |
12/17/21 | 797 |
12/18/21 | 707 |
12/19/21 | 972 |
12/20/21 | 840 |
12/21/21 | 707 |
12/22/21 | 961 |
12/23/21 | 1511 |
12/24/21 | 1828 |
12/25/21 | 1591 |
12/26/21 | 2205 |
12/27/21 | 1384 |
12/28/21 | 824 |
12/29/21 | 1561 |
12/30/21 | 3484 |
12/31/21 | 3290 |
01/01/22 | 2710 |
01/02/22 | 3178 |
01/03/22 | 3044 |
01/04/22 | 1592 |
01/05/22 | 2611 |
01/06/22 | 4789 |
01/07/22 | 3586 |
01/08/22 | 4204 |
01/09/22 | 4578 |
01/10/22 | 3875 |
01/11/22 | 2929 |
01/12/22 | 3512 |
01/13/22 | 3392 |
01/14/22 | 3099 |
01/15/22 | 5977 |
Chapter 17 contents
- Introduction
- Simple Linear Regression
- Relationship between the slope and the correlation
- Estimation of linear regression coefficients
- OLS, RMA, and smoothing functions
- Testing regression coefficients
- ANCOVA – analysis of covariance
- Regression model fit
- Assumptions and model diagnostics for Simple Linear Regression
- References and suggested readings (Ch17 & 18)