14.7 – Rcmdr Multiway ANOVA


We have been talking about the two-way randomized, balanced, replicated design.  Here, we take you step by step through use of R to conduct the multiway ANOVA.

R code: Multiway ANOVA

Rcmdr: Statistics  Means → Multiway ANOVA… we will review this as Option 1


Rcmdr: Statistics  Fit Models → Linear model… we will review this as Option 2

In either case, as a reminder, your data set must be stacked worksheet, like the data in this worksheet

Table 1. Data set, example.14.7†

Diet Population Response
A 1 4
A 1 6
A 1 5
A 2 5
A 2 8
A 2 9
B 1 12
B 1 15
B 1 11
B 2 5
B 2 7
B 2 8

Option 1

Your first option is to use the ANOVA menus via “Means.” This is a perfectly good way to handle a standard two-way, fully-crossed, fixed effects model.  However, other designs will not run with this command and R will return a report of errors for ANOVA models that do not conform to the replicated, balanced, crossed design.

Rcmdr: Statistics  Means  Multiway Analysis of variance …

Factors: highlight “Diet” AND “Population”

Response variable: pick one (in this window, all we see is “Response”)

Screenshot Rcmdr multi-way ANOVA

Figure 1. Screenshot Rcmdr multi-way ANOVA.

†Note: Don’t forget to convert numeric Population to factor

Interpret the output

AnovaModel.2 <- (lm(Response ~ Diet*Population, data=example.14.7))

Anova Table (Type II tests)
Response: Response
                  Sum Sq    Df    F value      Pr(>F) 
Diet              36.750     1    12.2500    0.008079 **
Population        10.083     1     3.3611    0.104104 
Diet:Population   52.083     1    17.3611    0.003136 **
Residuals         24.000     8
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
tapply(example.14.7 Response, list(Diet=example.14.7 Diet, 
+ Population=example.14.7 Population), mean, na.rm=TRUE) # means
Diet 1 2
A 5.00000 7.333333
B 12.66667 6.666667

tapply(example.14.7 Response, list(Diet=example.14.7 Diet, 
+ Population=example.14.7 Population), sd, na.rm=TRUE) # std. deviations
Diet 1 2
A 1.000000 2.081666
B 2.081666 1.527525

tapply(example.14.7 Response, list(Diet=example.14.71 Diet, 
+ Population=example.14.7 Population), function(x) sum(!is.na(x))) # counts
Diet 1 2
A 3 3
B 3 3

End R output

Summary of multi-way ANOVA command

The multi-way ANOVA command returns our ANOVA table plus the adjusted means, along with standard deviations and number of observations (counts).  The adjusted means would then be good to put into a chart to present group comparisons following adjustments from the effects of levels within groups.

Rcmdr: Models → Graphs → Predictor effect plots …

Here’s the chart (hint: \pm SEM = \frac{SD}{\sqrt{count}})

predictor chart

Figure 2. Predictor effect plots, Diet and Population on Response variable.

Option 2

A more general approach is to use the General linear model. This approach can handle the standard 2-way fixed effects ANOVA (above), but any other model as well. The model is Response ~ Diet*Population.

Rcmdr: Statistics  Fit Models → Linear model… 

Screenshot Rcmdr linear model

Figure 3. Screenshot Rcmdr linear model menu.

Interpret the output

LinearModel.1 <- lm(Response ~ Diet * Population, data=example.14.7)


lm(formula = Response ~ Diet * Population, data = example.14.7)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max 
-2.3333 -1.1667 0.1667 1.0833 2.3333 

                        Estimate    Std. Error ..t value .  Pr(>|t|) 
(Intercept) .              5.000         1.000 .   5.000    .0.00105 ** 
Diet[T.B] .                7.667       ..1.414 .   5.421    .0.00063 ***
Population[T.2]           .2.333       ..1.414 .   1.650    .0.13757 
Diet[T.B]:Population[T.2] -8.333       ..2.000    -4.167    .0.00314 ** 
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Residual standard error: 1.732 on 8 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.8047, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7315 
F-statistic: 10.99 on 3 and 8 DF, p-value: 0.003285 

End R output

Lots to sort through, so let’s begin with what is in common between the two approaches in Rcmdr, the Multi-way ANOVA command versus the linear model command.

Compare the two outputs

As a direct output, the linear model option does not provide an ANOVA summary table. Instead of our ANOVA table the linear model returns estimates of coefficients along with t-test results for each coefficient of the model from the lm() command output

Recall that we can get ANOVA tables through the following R commands via Rcmdr.

Rcmdr: Models  Hypothesis tests  ANOVA Table.

Lets do so for this linear model (accept the default for type of tests = “Type II”).

And the output is

Anova(LinearModel.1, type="II")
Anova Table (Type II tests)

Response: Response
                Sum Sq Df F value   Pr(>F)   
Diet            36.750  1 12.2500 0.008079 **
Population      10.083  1  3.3611 0.104104   
Diet:Population 52.083  1 17.3611 0.003136 **
Residuals       24.000  8                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

End R output

Now, were in business, and, using the lm() function, we have the estimates for each model coefficient plus our ANOVA table.

Same answer! Of course. Which to choose, Option 1 or Option 2? Use the lm() options; more flexible, covers more designs than the multiway ANOVA which is strictly for the crossed fully replicated design.


  1. Write out the two-way model described for the data in Table 1.
  2. Write the null hypotheses and provide a summary of the statistical significance of the model.

Chapter 14 contents